Overview of the engine portfolio and applications
Hydrogen is a clean and renewable energy carrier that can be obtained by splitting water into its components hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen can be used as a fuel for various applications, including internal combustion engines. These engines use the hydrogen as a fuel to mix it with air and burn it. The only exhaust gas produced is water vapor that does not pollute the environment. Combustion engines with hydrogen can therefore be an environmentally friendly alternative to conventional engines with fossil fuels.
MAN Engines is using its many years of experience in the development of gas engines to qualify a large proportion of its engine range for use with up to 20 percent hydrogen admixture. This requires an adjustment of the engine settings to ensure efficiency and combustion stability. The addition of hydrogen offers the possibility of using surplus energy from wind turbines or solar plants in the form of renewable hydrogen, which benefits the energy transition. Hydrogen blending in gas engines means blending hydrogen with natural gas or biogas to improve combustion and reduce CO2 emissions.
The following gas engines are approved for the admixture of up to 20 percent hydrogen by volume:
As at: August 1st, 2024
MAN engines are H2-ready, i.e. prepared for operation with 100% hydrogen. Thanks to this hydrogen readiness, MAN gas engines can be adapted with conversion kits and made to run with hydrogen with comparatively little effort.
The switch to hydrogen is not only a technological advance, but also a significant contribution to a sustainable energy supply. By adapting existing plants to burn hydrogen, emissions are drastically reduced, reducing the environmental footprint.
A major advantage of H2 readiness in stationary gas engines is the flexibility and future-proofing of the systems. Operators can convert their existing natural gas plants to hydrogen with minimal effort, thus reaping the benefits of this clean energy source. This allows for gradual adaptation to changing legislative requirements and market conditions.
The reliability and efficiency of MAN engines is also maintained in hydrogen operation. The targeted adaptation of components such as turbocharging, injectors and mixture preparation ensures that the engines continue to function optimally under the new operating conditions. This leads to high availability and low operating costs of the plants.
In addition, the H2 readiness offers significant cost-effectiveness. By not requiring extensive structural changes to existing facilities, operators can protect their investments while reaping the benefits of hydrogen operations. This makes the switch to hydrogen not only ecologically sensible, but also economically.
The MAN H3268 hydrogen engine is an eight-cylinder V-engine with a bore of 132 mm and a stroke of 157 mm. It is ideal as a stationary engine for combined heat and power generation and runs at a constant speed of 1,500 rpm at 50 Hz. The MAN H3268 is based on the tried-and-tested basic engine of the MAN E3268 combustion engine, which is already used in many thousands of natural gas and special gas engines. To make it fit for operation with hydrogen, turbocharging and mixture preparation have been adapted. During the development of the new hydrogen engine, care was taken to implement a similar geometry and identical connections to the current engine portfolio in order to ensure the H2 readiness of plants. This makes it much easier to convert existing plants from running on natural gas to hydrogen, as no major conversions have to be carried out.
The MAN H3268 also impresses with its high power density. It offers a similar performance class to the MAN E3268 natural gas engine, which delivers 370 kWmech Powered by green hydrogen, electricity and heat are produced in a 100% CO2-neutral manner and with high efficiencies. In the future, the H2 engine portfolio is designed for different performance levels, depending on individual requirements.
Future-proofing through building on gas engine portfolio
The entire portfolio of stationary MAN natural gas engines, which includes the E0834, E0836, E2876, E3268, E3262 and E3872 series, can be converted to hydrogen operation. Conversion is possible for both naturally aspirated and turbocharged engines.
Advantages of the conversion:
MAN Engines uses its decades of experience in the field of hydrogen technology to further develop solutions for both mobile and stationary applications. This makes a significant contribution to the energy transition and the sustainable use of resources.
Picture: H2.B Zentrum Wasserstoff.Bayern
MAN Truck & Bus is intensively involved in the research and development of hydrogen technologies, in particular through its cooperation with the Zentrum Wasserstoff.Bayern (H2.B). The Centre for Hydrogen.Bavaria (H2.B) is a strategy and coordination office for hydrogen-related topics and activities in Bavaria initiated and financed by the Free State of Bavaria.
Through joint projects and practice-oriented research with H2.B, MAN is driving forward the development of sustainable and emission-free drive systems for commercial vehicles. These strategic ventures underscore MAN's commitment to a green future and the promotion of innovative hydrogen technologies.