Summary explanation
General Terms and Conditions (T&Cs for short) are contractual clauses intended to standardise and clarify numerous contracts.
You will be unilaterally invited by a contractual party to conclude a contract.
T&Cs for the sale of vehicles
T&Cs 001 New vehicles incl. annexes (Status 08.24)
General Terms and Conditions of Sale for new vehicles (motor vehicles and trailers of the MAN and NEOPLAN brands, only in German)
T&Cs 039 MAN ServiceCoupon (Status 05.22)
Terms and Conditions of MAN Truck & Bus Deutschland GmbH for the MAN ServiceCoupon
T&Cs 007 Used cars incl. annex (Status 10.24)
Sales conditions for used cars (motor vehicles and trailers, only in German)
T&Cs for service and spare parts
T&Cs 003 Repair (Status 03.24)
Conditions governing the execution of work on motor vehicles, trailers, aggregates and their parts and for quotations (only in German)
T&Cs 008 Spare parts (Status 08.24)
General Terms and Conditions for the sale of new and used vehicle parts (only in German)
T&Cs 009 Rental terms for vehicles (Status 02.25)
General Terms and Conditions for the renting and lending of vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers (only in German)
T&Cs for Engines, Components and Parts
T&Cs 022 for Engines, Components and Parts (Status 08.24)
Delivery Conditions for Engines, Components and Parts (only in German)