MAN in Malaysia

Data protection

1. General information

a) Introduction

The protection of your privacy rights during the processing of personal data is of the utmost concern to MAN. Data collected through the use of our website is handled in compliance with the law of the country in which the company responsible for data processing is located.

Furthermore, the companies in the MAN Group have undertaken to provide comprehensive and uniform protection of personal data through the implementation of a binding Group policy. Within the MAN Group, this ensures a level of protection around the globe, which is comparable to that in Germany and the European Union.

Moreover, our employees are obliged to keep confidential and to safeguard any personal data made available to them.

b) Responsible party and contact person

The responsible party for your data pursuant to data protection legislation is the company from the MAN Group, which operates the website that you are visiting.

Should you have any general questions, or questions related to data protection, please get in touch with the applicable contact person specified in the “Contact” section or the imprint. You can also contact Group Data Protection, which will forward your query to the people responsible.

2. Information about this website

With this data protection notice, we provide you with information as to how we handle personal data and which personal data we collect, process and use when you visit this website.

“Personal data” shall mean all information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. A natural person is considered to be identifiable if they can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, identification number, location data, online identifier, or to one or more particular characteristics that are an expression of the physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity of this natural person.

The purpose of this and other websites is to provide you with information about selected companies of the MAN Group.

The following information does not apply to companies that MAN does not own or control, and does not apply to people that MAN does not employ or instruct.

3. Collection of general information and anonymous usage data

When you visit our website, information of a general nature is automatically collected. This information contains the type of web browser used, the operating system used, the domain name of your internet service provider, our website that you are visiting, as well as technical information on your visit (https/http method, https/http version, https/http status code, length of the data transferred). This only concerns information, which does not permit conclusions about your person. This data is also generated during access to every other website on the internet. This is therefore not a specific function of this website.

Information of this type is only collected in an anonymised form and evaluated by us statistically. The better we understand your requirements, the faster you can find your desired information on our websites.

4. Collection and processing of personal data

a) Simple navigation on the website

When you visit our website, our web servers save your IP address used for access, as well as the date and time of the visit as standard.

b) Use of web applications

When using our web applications, information may also be saved that is required to use this application effectively.

c) Registration using online forms

Other personal data is only collected when you provide it to us voluntarily, and as far as this is required for the respective purpose, for example, as part of a registration, a subscription, a questionnaire or a competition.

d) Use of cookies

A cookie is a small data set that is saved on your device. It contains data such as personal page settings and logon information. This data set is created by the web server that your web browser has established a connection to, and this data set is then sent to you. In general, we use cookies to analyse the interest in our websites as well as to improve the user friendliness of our websites. You can also access our websites without cookies as a matter of principle. If you would like to conveniently use our websites to their full extent, you should, however, accept the cookies which enable the use of certain functions, or which make use more convenient. MAN uses cookies to make its website more user-friendly, more effective and more secure. Our cookies contain no information related to specific persons.

If your browser settings are set to accept cookies, with the use of our websites you consent to the use of these cookies. Most browsers are set to accept all cookies by default. You have the option, however, of configuring your browser so that cookies are displayed before they are saved, or so that only certain cookies are accepted or rejected, or so that cookies are rejected in general.

We would like to point out that changes to settings only apply to the respective browser. If you use different browsers or change to a different device, the settings must be configured again. You can also delete the cookies from your storage medium at any time. Please refer to your web browser’s help function for information regarding cookie settings and how to change them, and also regarding the deletion of cookies.

The following is a list of the most common types of cookies and their purpose.

Session cookies

Whilst you are active on a website, a session cookie is temporarily stored in the memory of your computer. Here, a session ID is saved so that, for example, you do not have to log in again each time you change webpage. Session cookies are deleted when you log out or their validity expires as soon as your session has automatically expired.

Persistent or protocol cookies

A persistent or protocol cookie stores a file on your computer for the duration defined by the file's expiration date. Due to these cookies, websites remember your information and settings for your next visit. This results in faster and more convenient access as you do not need to configure your language settings for our portal again, for example. Once the expiry date has elapsed, the cookie is automatically deleted when you visit the website that created it.

First-party cookies

These are set by the website itself (same domain as in the address bar of the browser) and can only be read by this website. These cookies are generally used to save information (e.g. your settings) which is then used when you next visit the website.

Third-party cookies

Third-party cookies come from other providers than the operator of the website. They can be used, for example, to gather information for advertising, user-defined content and web statistics.

e) Google Analytics - Data processing by Google

Our website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics also uses cookies. This involves cookies from Google itself (Google Analytics cookies) and so-called third party provider cookies (double click cookies). The information on how you use our website (including your IP address) gathered by the cookies is transmitted to a Google Inc. server in the USA and saved there. Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website for us, compiling reports on website activity for us and for providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage, in particular functions for display advertising, such as remarketing, reports on impressions in the Google display network, the integration of double click campaign managers or Google Analytics reports for service in accordance with demographic characteristics and interests. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process this data on Google's behalf. Google may use your data for profile-building purposes and merge information with other data from sources such as Google Accounts.

By using this website, you consent to the processing of data collected about you by Google in the manner described and for the purposes set out above. We would like to point out that to improve data protection, our website uses Google Analytics with the extension "anonymizeIp()” so that IP addresses are only logged and processed further in abbreviated form to prevent them being directly linked to a particular individual during the analysis of the use of our website. You may refuse the use of Google Analytics cookies by selecting the extension of your browser. By doing so, you can exercise your right to reject data collection, processing and use by Google Analytics with future effect. You can install a deactivation add-on on your browser from Google Analytics for this purpose. This prevents Google Analytics from saving information about your website visits.

You can find further information as well as information on downloading and installing this deactivation add-on at

Alternatively, and in addition for users with mobile devices, you can use the opt-out cookie. You can use this link and then a cookie will be set, meaning that your activity will no longer be logged by Google Analytics. Click here to opt out of logging by Google Analytics.

You can deactivate Google Analytics for display advertising and adapt the adverts in the Google display network by accessing the advert settings: .

f) Google DoubleClick

DoubleClick by Google is a service provided by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA ("Google"). DoubleClick by Google uses cookies to present adverts that are relevant to you. Here, a pseudonymous identification number (ID) is assigned to your browser to check which adverts were shown on your browser, and which adverts were called up. The cookies contain no personal data. The use of DoubleClick cookies only enables Google and its partner websites to place adverts on the basis of previous visits to our or other websites on the internet. The information generated by the cookies is transferred by Google to a server in the USA for analysis, and saved there. Data will only be transferred by Google to third parties due to legal requirements or as part of contract data processing. Google will not, under any circumstances, link your data with other data captured by Google.

By using our websites, you consent to the processing of data collected about you by Google, as well as to data processing in the manner described above, and for the purpose stated. You can prevent the saving of cookies by configuring the settings of your browser software accordingly; we would like to point out, however, that in this case you may not be able to use all the functions of our websites to their full extent. Furthermore, you can prevent the capture of the data created by the cookies and data related to your use of the websites being sent to Google, as well as the processing of this data by Google, by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available under the following link under the DoubleClick deactivation add-on item. Alternatively, you can deactivate the DoubleClick cookies on the Digital Advertising Alliance webpage under the following link .

g) Google reCaptcha

This page uses reCaptcha, a service from Google Inc.,1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (Google), for security purposes. This service determines whether the entries made on an internet form have been entered by a person or entered fraudulently by automated machine processing. Here, your previously truncated IP address and any other data required for the service are transferred to Google. The full IP address is only transmitted to a Google server in the USA and truncated there in exceptional cases. Any data transmitted by your browser as part of reCaptcha is not combined with any other Google data. You can find further information on Google’s data privacy policies at:

h) Integration of social media plug-ins (Facebook, Twitter)

Plug-ins are computer programs that are integrated into another software product, such as a website, and which thereby expand its functionality. Almost all of the plug-ins currently present on the market are developments from operators of social media networks. The basic functionality of these networks is to provide users with an interaction and communication platform which is usually free.

The integration of social media plug-ins, however, leads to your IP address and other transaction data (generally date, time, URL address and browser) being captured by these services just through you calling up the page in question – without having clicked on a plug-in. This is the case for both registered users of the service in question, as well as visitors to the website who are not registered with the applicable service with an account, and therefore with acceptance of the corresponding conditions of use. Social media plug-ins also generally use cookies (see point d) to identify visitors to a website. These cookies are saved on your local drive by the website visited, and called up when you visit the webpage again. The IDs of these cookies are transferred automatically to the servers of the respective service upon every visit to a website with the corresponding plug-in, even without active use of the plug-in. Due to the linking of the individual cookie ID with the websites accessed in the past, it is possible to monitor browsing behaviour (profiling). Through the collection of the transaction data mentioned above, it would be possible, for example, to determine how long the user with that cookie spent on which website. In this way, social media services would be able to log your activities on the internet.

To prevent this, and to better protect your privacy, our website uses the 2-click method, an initiative from (you can also find further information there). Our website only embeds deactivated buttons, which do not establish contact with the services belonging to the social plug-ins, and therefore cannot pass on any data when our websites are called up.

Only when you click on one of the buttons will you activate it, and agree to communication with Facebook or Twitter. With a second click, you can then immediately share content. If you are already logged in with one of the social networks whose social plug-in you would like to use, this takes place for Facebook without another window appearing. For Twitter, a pop-up window appears in which you can still edit the text of the tweet.

If you decide to activate and use a social plug-in, inform yourself beforehand of how the respective provider handles your data and what their data privacy policy is ( , ).

Note: The activation of the buttons only applies for the page called up and the selected service.

You can also permanently activate the consent buttons under Settings (click on the gearwheel icon). Simply tick the corresponding box(es) to activate your social networks. You can, of course, also withdraw this automatic feature at any time via the gearwheel icon.

The following is a brief description of the social media plug-ins integrated on our page.


Facebook is a social network of Facebook Ireland Limited (Hanover Reach, 5-7 Hanover Quay, Dublin 2 Ireland). We have incorporated different Facebook functions on our website (such as “like”, “share”). Facebook functions are identified by the Facebook logo. Depending on the type of function, other functions can be added (for example, “like”, “recommend”). You can tell your Facebook friends and Facebook users which articles you like/recommend using the “like” button. If, as a Facebook user, you have added the Facebook recommendations bar to your Facebook applications, you automatically publish your reading activity on Facebook in your newsfeed and your timeline as soon as the recommendations bar on our website opens. On Facebook, the people that you authorised when the application was installed then learn which of our articles you are currently reading, or which content on our website you are using. You can remove the individual entries as well as the application itself at any time again on Facebook. Users’ Facebook “likes” are also synchronised with the contributions and articles on our page, as long as the user is logged on to our website via Facebook. Through the integration of the Facebook button on our webpage, a direct connection is established by your browser or the application with the Facebook servers, and the button for the applicable Facebook function loaded from there. As already mentioned at the start, here information is transferred to Facebook, for example, that the internet page in question has been called up or that a particular service has been used. If you actively use a Facebook function yourself, such as clicking on the “like” button, it is possible that Facebook processes other data, including personal data. In this way, Facebook can, for example, place a cookie, which it can use to detect that you have already used the “like” button in the past on other internet sites that also have integrated Facebook buttons. If you, as a Facebook user, are logged in to Facebook at the same time, it is also possible to assign the accessing of the page to your Facebook profile. If you click on integrated Facebook buttons and log in to Facebook afterwards (or you are already logged in), the “liked” or “recommended” information can be published in a short form on Facebook in your profile and your timeline, for example. In this way, Facebook can therefore possibly collect and save further usage data. This may result in Facebook user profiles which extend beyond what you reveal on Facebook yourself. If you have not deactivated the embedded social plug-ins but would still like to prevent Facebook assigning your visit to our website to your Facebook user account, please log out of your Facebook user account before you visit our website. You can find out which data Facebook collects in detail for its own purposes in Facebook’s data privacy policy; there, you can also find further information on data collection and processing by Facebook and on your related rights. Facebook’s data privacy policy can be accessed here: .


Twitter is a micro blogging service from the American company Twitter, Inc. (795 Folsom St., Suite 600, San Francisco, CA 94107). Through the Twitter button, a direct connection is also established from your browser to the servers of Twitter and the button loaded from there. In the process, information is transferred to Twitter that the applicable internet page has been called up. Even if you are not logged in, this means Twitter can possibly collect and also save usage data. If you click on the Twitter buttons and “tweet” information via the Twitter window that opens, you transfer the tweeted information to Twitter. This information is then published on your Twitter user profile. Further information on data collection, and the evaluation and processing of your data by Twitter, as well as your related rights, can be found in Twitter’s data privacy policy, which can be found here: .

i) Use of GeoLite2 and GeoIP2 database for geolocation

The GeoLite2 or the GeoIP2 database is used on this website; this is provided by the provider MaxMind Inc. and hosted at MAN or third-party providers. In the GeoLite2 or GeoIP2 database, approximate location/geolocation data, based on the country from which the IP address originates, are assigned to the IP addresses used. To improve the search results, provide you with more appropriate information and to preset website configurations, which will make your visit to our sites more enjoyable (e.g. language settings), more specifically adapted to you your country of origin will be transmitted with your IP address via the GeoLite2 or GeoIP2 database. No personal data will be passed on to third parties during this process.

j) Salesforce Pardot

We use Salesforce Pardot for our e-mail newsletter service, for providing landing pages, and for offering forms that you can use to get in contact with us. Salesforce Pardot is a software suite located at Inc., Salesforce Tower, 415 Mission Street, 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA.

In general, Salesforce Pardot combined with a cookie allows us to recognize you as a website visitor. This enables us to offer you better, more comfortable and even more personalized services. If available, this data will be linked to an existing customer profile, which allows us to advise you personally and individually if required. As far as Salesforce Pardot processes personal data, the processing takes place exclusively on our behalf and according to our instructions.

Pardot places a permanent cookie if no cookie is stored on your device. We will possibly use the Pardot-Cookie to analyze your use of our pages so that we can continually improve them. E-mails sent through Pardot use tracking technologies. We utilize this data primarily to find out which topics are of interest to you by analyzing whether our emails are opened and which links are clicked. We use this information to improve the emails we send you and the services we provide.

We respect the "Do Not Track" initiative. You can configure this option in your browser. If this option is enabled, Pardot will not perform cookie-based tracking. Alternatively, you can also delete all cookies from your computer or configure your browser to block all cookies or warn you before setting a cookie. If you do not accept cookies, you will not be able to use some of our services.

k) Video embedding


For embedding and streaming of videos on our website we either use the provider Vimeo or its subsidiary Livestream. Vimeo is operated by Vimeo, LLC with headquarters at 555 West 18th Street, New York, New York 10011.

If you visit a page on our website on which a video is embedded via a Vimeo plug-in, your browser connects to the servers of Vimeo. Thereby the information about which pages you have visited is sent to Vimeo. If you are logged in to Vimeo when you visit our website, Vimeo will also assign this information directly to your personal user account. Interactions with the plugin, such as clicking the start button, are also assigned to your Vimeo account. To prevent this assignment, you must log out of your Vimeo account before using our website.

Information on data protection and further information on data processing by Vimeo can be found at .

The loading of Vimeo videos can be prevented via the browser settings. You can find detailed information on the procedure in the instructions of your browser manufacturer.

l) Facebook Pixel / Custom Audiences

Our website uses the re-marketing function “Facebook Custom Audience”, a tool from Facebook Inc. (1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA, “Facebook”). The purpose of “Facebook Custom Audience” is to reach Facebook users who have previously visited the MAN website in order to provide them with relevant information about our products and services, and to potentially identify new people similar to those visiting our website. This may lead to you being presented MAN marketing material on Facebook after visiting the website. A Facebook pixel has been implemented on our website for this purpose. When visiting our website, the Facebook pixel collects information and passes it on to a third-party Facebook cookie on your computer, which is used to connect to the Facebook servers. This means that technically there is no direct connection between the Facebook pixel on the MAN website and Facebook. However, the collected data is indirectly passed on to Facebook by the Facebook cookie on your computer. Facebook and MAN are responsible for the processing of this data. The so-called third-party Facebook cookie installed on your computer is not visible to MAN, nor can they alter it.

TECHNICAL HTTP HEADER DATA. Information on the web browser, site storage location, document, URL reference, user agent of the web browser and IP address (which can only be analysed on a general national level in Germany according to the information provided by Facebook).

PIXEL-SPECIFIC DATA. Pixel ID and Facebook cookie data as well as information about which pages you have visited is collected. Furthermore, the data contains information on performed actions, such as a test drive/offer request, information request or a model-specific configuration.

PROCESSING OF COLLECTED DATA Facebook assigns the aforementioned collected data to your personal Facebook user account. MAN does not store or process this data. Recognition is possible for Facebook (but not for MAN) across sites and possibly also across different devices, provided that Facebook can assign different devices to you, for example. For MAN, this makes you only indirectly identifiable, meaning that you as a Facebook user may be contacted anonymously on Facebook. This association is predominantly made possible by the Facebook cookie. According to Facebook, the information sent to Facebook by the Facebook pixel is currently stored for 180 days and then encrypted and anonymised. MAN does not have any influence on this process. Further information on how your data is collected, processed and used is available from Facebook under the following links: and . We cannot assume any responsibility for the information provided by Facebook.

Placed by: Facebook Inc.

The following website provides information on how to delete Facebook data from your device:

Link to the privacy policy of Facebook:

m) Piwik PRO

We use Piwik PRO Analytics Suite as our website/app analytics software and consent management tool. We collect data about website visitors based on cookies. The collected information may include a visitor’s IP address, operating system, browser ID, browsing activity and other information. See the scope of data collected by Piwik PRO .

We calculate metrics like bounce rate, page views, sessions and the like to understand how our website/app is used. We may also create visitors’ profiles based on browsing history to analyze visitor behavior, show personalized content and run online campaigns.

We host our solution on Microsoft Azure in Germany and the data is stored for 25 months.

The purpose of data processing: analytics and conversion tracking based on consent. Legal basis: Art. 6 (1)(a) GDPR.

Piwik PRO does not send the data about you to any other sub-processors or third parties and does not use it for its own purposes. For more, read Piwik PRO’s privacy policy .

n) Consent tool OneTrust

We use OneTrust as a consent tool. With this data protection management software, we offer you the possibility to consent to the storage of cookies in a legally compliant manner and to ensure the revocation of consent.

More information about Onetrust: OneTrust privacy policy

o) Adobe Analytics

Our website uses Adobe Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Adobe Systems Software Ireland Limited, 4-6 Riverwalk, Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24, Republic of Ireland. Adobe Analytics allows us to analyse user behaviour and the flow of visitors. This enables us to create content in line with visitor needs and, moreover, to identify and resolve problems more quickly. For this purpose, Adobe Analytics saves cookies in your browser. By configuring the appropriate settings in Adobe Analytics, we also ensure that the last eight digits of the IP address transmitted to Adobe are removed (replaced by 0) before geolocalisation to prevent clear identification of the IP address and so that it can only be traced back to large geographic areas (regions). Moreover, the IP address is completely removed from the data record after geolocalisation so that no further conclusions can be drawn about the IP address. Adobe processes the collected data and information solely on our behalf. The purpose is to analyse user behaviour and create anonymised reports and statistics. We use the information gained in this way to optimize our website and improve our range of services. The legal basis of data processing is Section 15 (3) of the German Telemedia Act (TMG) and Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. The legitimate interests are the aforementioned purposes. Adobe’s applicable data protection provisions can be found at the Adobe Privacy Center. You can prevent our website’s use of cookies at any time by changing the appropriate setting in your internet browser, thereby permanently opting out of the use of cookies. The Adobe Privacy Center is linked in the text itself:

5. Limitation on use of personal data

Your personal data will only be used for the purpose for which you have provided this data to us.

6. Legal basis for processing

The legal basis for the use and saving of your personal data is your consent in accordance with Art. 7 EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as well as in accordance with Section 13, Para. 2 Telemediengesetz (TMG, German Telemedia Act). We process your basic data and usage data on the basis of and in accordance with the provisions of Sections 14 and 15 TMG, which represent a legal duty in the sense of Article 6, Para. 1(c) EU GDPR, which we, as operator of the website, are subject to.

7. Transfer of personal data

Due to the use of the presented functions, bodies which are located in third countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA) can also view your data. In these countries, the level of data protection may be insufficient as there is no decision regarding the adequacy of the data protection from the EU Commission and no other suitable guarantees for the protection of your personal data.

Your data is transferred into these third countries on the basis of your consent in accordance with Art. 7 EU GDPR and Section 13, Para. 2 TMG (German Telemedia Act) or on the basis of the exemption clauses of Art. 49, Para. 1 EU GDPR which apply through the activation of the applicable function.

Your data can also be seen by associated companies from the MAN and VW Group, as well as external service providers who provide and technically operate this website and the systems linked to it. Data protection contracts have been concluded with these companies in order to ensure a high level of data protection.

Data shall only be sent to government bodies and authorities in accordance with binding national legal regulations.

8. Data storage and deletion

Personal data linked to your visit to our website (see Points 1 and 2 ) is saved for two years, calculated from the point in time when our website was opened.

Other personal data is saved until you unregister or inform us that you would no longer like to make use of the respective function.

Beyond this, personal data is only saved if there are statutory or contractual retention obligations.

9. Your rights

You have the right to be informed about the data that relates to you, and the right to correct your data. Provided that there are no statutory regulations to the contrary, you also have the right to delete and block your data, as well as the right to object to the processing of your data. Furthermore, you have the right to data portability.

As we collect and process your personal data on the basis of your consent, you also have the right to revoke the consent you granted. The legality of the data processing carried out with your consent until you revoke it, remains unaffected by your withdrawal of consent.

If necessary, we need to verify your identity before we can process your requests.

If, in spite of our efforts to maintain accurate and up-to-date data, incorrect information has been saved, we will correct such information upon corresponding request.

In the event of complaints, there is the possibility to contact a data protection supervisory authority.

10. Security

MAN protects your data by means of technical and organisational security measures against accidental or premeditated manipulation, loss, destruction or access by unauthorised persons. Our security measures, such as data encryption, are regularly improved in accordance with technological development.

11. Links to the websites of other providers

Our website may contain links to the websites of other providers. MAN checked the directly linked websites at the time of link creation and convinced itself that they were free of legal violations. However, MAN has no influence of any kind on the content of linked websites and is not able to monitor these on an ongoing basis. Therefore MAN assumes no liability for the content of linked websites that have been modified after the link creation. This data protection agreement does not apply to the linked websites of other providers.

12. Reservation

In order to keep apace with the continuous development of the internet, MAN may adapt this declaration concerning data privacy protection at any time while adhering to the provisions of data privacy protection legislation.

April 2023. V7.


Larsen Carsten Mondrup
MAN Truck & Bus (M) Sdn Bhd