Las cookies son pequeños ficheros de texto que se almacenan en su dispositivo. Contienen información acerca de, por ejemplo, configuraciones personales de páginas y el inicio de sesión. Tras usar el navegador web para conectarse al servidor web, el servidor creará estos ficheros y se le enviarán a usted, el usuario. En general, usamos cookies para analizar el interés en nuestras páginas web, así como para mejorar la usabilidad de las mismas. También puede visitar nuestras páginas web sin cookies. Si desea usar nuestras webs con todas sus funciones y de manera fluida, debería aceptar aquellas cookies que permiten el uso de ciertas funciones o que consiguen que el uso sea más intuitivo. MAN usa cookies para que la web resulte fácil de usar, más eficaz y segura.
A través del báner de cookies que aparece al visitar por primera vez nuestro sitio web, podrá seleccionar la opción de usar las cookies técnicamente necesarias o la opción de usar también las cookies opcionales.
Asimismo, podrá configurar los ajustes de su navegador relacionados con el uso de las cookies. La mayoría de los navegadores se han configurado de manera estándar para que acepten todas las cookies. También tiene varias posibilidades de configurar su navegador, por ejemplo, el navegador puede mostrar las cookies antes de aceptarlas, aceptar o rechazar determinadas cookies o rechazar todas las cookies de forma general.
Le advertimos que los cambios en la configuración afectan solo al navegador correspondiente. En caso de que use diferentes navegadores o cambie de dispositivo, tendrá que volver a ajustar la configuración. Además, puede borrar las cookies de su medio de almacenamiento siempre que lo desee. En la función de ayuda de su navegador encontrará información sobre cómo configurar, modificar y eliminar las cookies.
Estas cookies se envían desde el propio sitio web (el mismo dominio que en la barra de direcciones del navegador) y solo el sitio web determinado puede visualizarlas. Estas cookies normalmente se usan para guardar información (por ejemplo, la configuración del usuario) que se usará en su próxima visita al sitio web.
Las cookies de terceros provienen de otros proveedores ajenos al propietario de la página web. Se pueden usar, por ejemplo, con el fin de recopilar información para publicidad, contenido definido por el usuario y estadísticas web.
Estas cookies, técnicamente necesarias, se requieren a menudo o son útiles para funciones básicas del sitio web (por ejemplo, para seleccionar su idioma preferido, configurar la página o guardar el contenido de su cesta de la compra).
Las cookies opcionales van más allá del ámbito funcional de las cookies técnicamente necesarias y se usan para obtener información con fines publicitarios, contenido definido por el usuario y estadísticas web.
En este sitio web se usan las siguientes cookies:
Name of cookie: _gat_UA-XXXXXXXX-X
Storage period: 1 minute
Description: Google Analytics cookie to throttle the request rate.
Name of cookie: _dc_gtm_UA-XXXXXXXX-X
Storage period: Session
Description: Google Tag Manager cookie to control the loading of a Google Analytics script tag.
Name of cookie: _gid
Storage period: 24 hours
Description: Google Analytics cookie for user identification
Name of cookie: _ga
Storage period: 2 years
Description: This cookie is used by Google Analytics to distinguish between users.
Name of cookie: AWSALB
Cookie provider: AWS
Storage period: Session
Cookie description: Cookie that keeps the user on every subsequent request on the same server on which they landed with their first request.
Name of cookie: AWSALBCORS
Cookie provider: AWS
Storage period: Session
Cookie description: Cookie that keeps the user on every subsequent request on the same server on which they landed with their first request.
Name of cookie: APISID
Cookie provider:
Storage period: 1 year
Description: This domain is the property of Google Inc. Google is mainly known as a search engine but the company offers a wide range of products and services. However, the main source of revenue is advertisement. Google comprehensively tracks user movements – both via its own products and websites as well as with the help of multiple technologies embedded in millions of websites all around the world. Most of the data these services collect is used to identify the interests of internet users. Based on these interest profiles, advertising space is sold to companies. For pages on which customer advertisements appear, these are coordinated with the content of the pages.
Name of cookie: PREF
Cookie provider:
Storage period: 1 year
Description: This domain is the property of Google Inc. Google is mainly known as a search engine but the company offers a wide range of products and services. However, the main source of revenue is advertisement. Google comprehensively tracks user movements – both via its own products and websites as well as with the help of multiple technologies embedded in millions of websites all around the world. Most of the data these services collect is used to identify the interests of internet users. Based on these interest profiles, advertising space is sold to companies. For pages on which customer advertisements appear, these are coordinated with the content of the pages. This is a common Google cookie used for various Google services. Saves user settings. Can be used to personalise advertisements in Google Search.
Name of cookie: HSID
Cookie provider:
Storage period: 1 year
Description: Used by google in combination with SID to check the Google user account and the last login time.
Name of cookie: SSID
Cookie provider:
Storage period: 1 year
Description: This domain is the property of Google Inc. Google is mainly known as a search engine but the company offers a wide range of products and services. However, the main source of revenue is advertisement. Google comprehensively tracks user movements – both via its own products and websites as well as with the help of multiple technologies embedded in millions of websites all around the world. Most of the data these services collect is used to identify the interests of internet users. Based on these interest profiles, advertising space is sold to companies. For pages on which customer advertisements appear, these are coordinated with the content of the pages.
Name of cookie: SID, NID,
Cookie provider:
Storage period: 1 year
Description: Google uses cookies such as NID and SID to individualise advertisement in Google products such as Google Search. We use these cookies to collect information on, for example, your most recent searches, your previous interactions with advertising material provided by an advertiser or your search results, as well as your visits to the websites of advertisers. This means we can provide you with individualised adverts on Google.
Name of cookie: SAPISID
Cookie provider:
Storage period: 1 year
Description: This domain is the property of Google Inc. Google is mainly known as a search engine but the company offers a wide range of products and services. However, the main source of revenue is advertisement. Google comprehensively tracks user movements – both via its own products and websites as well as with the help of multiple technologies embedded in millions of websites all around the world.
Name of cookie: id
Cookie provider:
Storage period: 1 year
Description: This cookie is used by DoubleClick to store the user's actions on the site after having viewed an advert or having clicked on the advert.
Name of cookie: IDE, DSID, _dc_gtm_ua
Cookie provider:
Storage period: 10 years
Description: Google users cookies for adverts that are shown at various locations on the internet. The most important cookie for advertisement preferences on websites that are not part of Google is called “IDE”. It is saved in browsers under the domain Another cookie is saved under the domain and is called “ANID”. We also use other cookies such as “DSID”, “FLC”, “AID”, “TAID”, and “exchange_uid”.
Name of cookie: visitor_id<accountid>
Storage period: 10 years
Description:The visitor cookie has a unique visitor ID and a unique identifier for your account. For example, the cookie name visitor_id12345 saves the user ID 1010101010. The account identifier 12345 ensures that the visitor is tracked on the correct Pardot account. The visitor number is the visitor_id in your Pardot account. This cookie is set for visitors by the Pardot Tracking Code.
Name of cookie: lpv<accountid>
Storage period: 10 years
Description: This LPV cookie is set in such a way that Pardot does not save multiple page selections of a single asset within a 30-minute session. For example, if a user reloads the landing page multiple times within 30 minutes, this cookie prevents each reload from being tracked as a page view.
Name of cookie: pi_opt_in<accountid>
Storage period: 10 years
Description: If the opt-in preference for tracking is activated, pi_opt_in cookie is set with a true or false value when the visitor selects or deselects the tracking option. If a visitor enables tracking, the value is set to true and tracking and cookies are activated for the visitor. If the visitor rejects the opt-in banner or ignores it, the value of the opt-in cookie is set to “false”. The visitor cookie is deactivated and the visitor is not tracked.
Name of cookie: visitor_id<accountid> hash
Storage period: 10 years
Description:The visitor hash cookie contains the account ID and stores a unique hash. For example, the cookie name visitor_id12345 hash saves the hash “855c3697d9979e78ac404c4ba2c66533” and the account ID 12345. This cookie is a safety measure to ensure that a malicious user cannot pretend to be a Pardot visitor and access corresponding interest information.
Our website uses the re-marketing function “Facebook Custom Audience”, a tool from Facebook Inc. (1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA, “Facebook”). The purpose of “Facebook Custom Audience” is to reach Facebook users who have previously visited the MAN website in order to provide them with relevant information about our products and services, and to potentially identify new people similar to those visiting our website. This may lead to you being presented MAN marketing material on Facebook after visiting the website. A Facebook pixel has been implemented on our website for this purpose. When visiting our website, the Facebook pixel collects information and passes it on to a third-party Facebook cookie on your computer, which is used to connect to the Facebook servers. This means that technically there is no direct connection between the Facebook pixel on the MAN website and Facebook. However, the collected data is indirectly passed on to Facebook by the Facebook cookie on your computer. Facebook and MAN are responsible for the processing of this data. The so-called third-party Facebook cookie installed on your computer is not visible to MAN, nor can they alter it.
Opt-Out Link: The following link will deactivate the "Facebook Custom Audience" function on the MAN website for you on the end device you are using. In order to be able to save this setting permanently, a technical cookie is stored for this purpose.
Name of cookie: man-cookies-accepted
Storage period: 1 year
Description: This cookie set by MAN Truck & Bus SE stores the user’s confirmation/permission for the storage of cookies.
Name of cookie: man-third-party-accepted
Storage period: 1 year
Cookie description: This cookie set by MAN Truck & Bus SE stores the permission for involving third party providers at the time the permission is granted. This cookie will be used in future to check whether the user has agreed to all used third-party providers.
Name of cookie: man-cookies-mandatory-accepted
Storage period: 1 Year
Description: This cookie set by MAN Truck & Bus SE stores the rejection for involving third party providers at the time of the rejection. This cookie will be used in future to check whether the user has rejected to all used third-party providers.
Name of cookie: man-promotional
Storage period: 90 days
Description: This cookie set by MAN Truck & Bus SE stores the closing of the promotional pop-up in order to control the display of the pop-up.
Name of cookie: man-newsletter
Storage period: 1 year
Description: This cookie set by MAN Truck & Bus SE stores the rejection of the newsletter registration pop-up (for 3 months) or the submission of the newsletter registration in order to control the display of the pop-up.
Name of cookie: man-popup-XXXXXXXX
Storage period: 90 days
Description: This cookie set by MAN Truck & Bus SE stores the closing of the general pop-up in order to control the display of the pop-up.