At MAN, we believe that everyone should be treated fairly and with respect. This means accepting the diversity of characteristics that make each of us unique – and at the same time bind us together. Prejudice, discrimination and intolerance have no place at MAN. With our Diversity & Inclusion Strategy, we want to ensure that the voices of our employees are heard and incorporated into transforming the world of transport.
Katharina – The only female bus mechanic
As the only female automotive mechatronics engineer with twelve male colleagues, Katharina knows how to hold her own in a male-dominated professional environment.
Katharina is an automotive mechatronics engineer and has been working as a mechanic in the MAN service company in Frankfurt since January 2017 – a long time to be the only woman working with twelve men. Katharina’s job is to repair and maintain public buses. In our interview, she explains how she has fared working in a male-dominated professional environment, what benefits she brings to the team and why more women should be keen to work on heavy-duty buses and trucks.
Katharina, what made you chose this profession and what is it about it that you particularly enjoy?
For me there were only ever two options when it came to choosing what job I would do: either something with animals, because I’m mad about animals, or something with engines. I was tinkering with cars with my father from an early age, which is why I went for a job as a mechatronics engineer. I particularly enjoy the variety. There are new challenges every day, some of which are very tricky, when it comes to diagnosing a problem with a vehicle, for example. I also really like the teamwork. After all, the size of the parts in commercial vehicles means that you have to work together more than you do with smaller cars.
Could you tell us about your team in the service company?
In the workshop we have ten male mechanics, two male apprentices and we have also recently been joined by a female apprentice. We also have two female colleagues and three male colleagues and a female apprentice in the back office. In addition to this, there are half a dozen salespeople who also have their offices with us.
What is it like for you to be the only woman in the workshop?
My male colleagues were very critical to start with. However, they are also like that with new male colleagues. It's like that until you have got to know the new person and know how they work and what technical expertise they have to offer. I am accepted for who I am, as a fully-fledged member of the team with no exceptions made due to my gender. I made a conscious decision in choosing this profession and so I do not want any special treatment. In addition, MAN has always shown me that I am wanted and appreciated in the company as a woman. For example, an additional female changing room was set up immediately.
Do you think that the behaviour within the workshop is different because it is not an all-male environment?
I can certainly imagine that the banter is different. On the one hand we are still a workshop where it gets a bit coarse or loud. However, in some situations we are more sensitive with each other and my colleagues are clearly being more considered in what they say. That is a good thing, as there are growing number of female truck drivers and you never know how they will handle coarse banter.
In your opinion, how do teams benefit from having a diverse group of team members?
I think that diverse teams do have an incredible impact on how people interact with each other: Women in particular, particularly in the workshop, have completely different approaches when it comes to problems and mistakes. Differences in the team promote personal and social development, and help to break down prejudices.
You are married to a woman. Was your sexual orientation ever a difficult issue at work?
During my training, I never came out to my superiors, but I also never made a secret of the fact that I’m a lesbian in front of my colleagues. At MAN, the subject came up one evening at a barbecue. I said that I’m with a woman, and people were fine with that. When we got married, all my colleagues congratulated me. I think it would be just the same for a gay colleague.
Why do you think there are so few women in your profession?
The commercial vehicle sector still has a bad reputation. People don’t realise how varied the job is and that it isn't all about working with a big hammer and welding tool, but also involves lots of electrics and electronics.
What would you like to say to other women who are considering a job in mechatronics?
The job will undoubtedly give you lots of new experiences. As women we can show that we don't need big muscles for everything. We can do it just as well – maybe differently, but not worse. And sometimes you just have to rise to the challenge.
“I had a gut feeling that MAN was the right place for me”
Abozar arrived in Germany aged 14 on foot, alone and unable to speak the language. Now he is 22, a trained mechatronics engineer and works in the MAN service company in Quickborn. A conversation with him and his MAN training supervisor Marco.
Abozar, when and how did you come to Germany?
Abozar: I came to Germany on my own in November 2015 on foot, and some of the way by boat, through Afghanistan, Iran and seven or eight other countries. Once here, I was adopted by a German family. Settling in was very hard because I had to get used to a new country, new culture and new language. I felt like an outsider to start with. But now I feel very much at home and have lots of friends. Germany has become like a second homeland.
What prompted you to leave your home country without your family at just 14?
Abozar: The situation in Afghanistan was difficult and dangerous. With my mother, we decided that I should go to another country, work there and support the family from there.
How did you get on in Germany?
Abozar: I lived with the family that adopted me from 2016 to 2018. They helped me enormously and were always there for me. I then attended a community school and got my certificate of secondary education. After that I looked for some kind of manual work that I could do.
Marco: At the time, Abozar had been taken in by a policeman who became a kind of foster father to him. To start with he supported Abozar and looked after him, ringing here occasionally to find out how he was getting on. He was also very keen to make sure that Abozar learned German and read lots of books. This ensured that everything went smoothly.
How did you find out about the apprenticeship at MAN?
Abozar: I had already done two work placements as an automotive mechatronics engineer while I was still at school. I really enjoyed them. And then I saw an advert from MAN online saying that they were looking for apprentices in the Quickborn service company. I applied straight away. But that was not my only application: I had five offers and opted for MAN. I had a gut feeling that this was the right place for me. But it was very hard to start with, as my German still wasn’t that great. It got better in my second year of training and I was better able to communicate with my colleagues. I’m delighted to be working here.
What do you particularly enjoy about being an automotive mechatronics engineer?
Abozar: Office work isn't for me, I like working with my hands, practical work. I can see myself making progress. I really enjoy the work and having contact with customers and colleagues. My apprenticeship is now finished. I passed my final exam last June and was taken on. I am very proud of this.
Where do you think your journey at MAN will take you?
Abozar: I would like to stay in Quickborn and get more qualifications, as I like working for MAN and am grateful for the opportunity they have given me. I hope to start working for Mobile24 as a breakdown mechanic soon.
We endeavour to constantly enhance and adapt our corporate culture so that as a company we are keeping step with current and future changes. In doing so, we always keep our corporate values of respect, team spirit, responsibility, customer first and avoiding waste in mind.
Diversity & inclusion are part of a wider sustainability approach at MAN that describes the development of our company, our products and our services in collaboration with our suppliers, our customers and our sites.
Diversity & inclusion are important prerequisites for innovation and success. That is why we focus on diversity! We can only remain competitive and look to the future with confidence if we include different perspectives. That is why diversity & inclusion are an integral part of our DNA. We want to be a company where all people are accepted as they are – with all visible and invisible talents, experiences and perspectives.
At MAN, we ensure that our workforce features different characteristics – which can be both visible and invisible – and that we are a place where different perspectives, ideas, experiences and approaches are valued and respected. This is what we mean by diversity & inclusion. Check out some of our recent projects and activities.
We are constantly revising our HR processes to achieve our diversity goals and ensure equal opportunities for all. In addition, we train all stakeholders to ensure that everyone understands and complies with these processes.
We are taking measures to increase the number of women in the company and in the management team without deviating from our principle of hiring and promotion based on skills and clearly defined criteria.
Throughout Germany our service companies take part in Girls' Day to introduce our training programmes to schoolgirls.
We encourage women at all levels to network, both in the interactions between the workshop and warehouse in the WoMAN Power programme and across the company in the VW Talent Compass.
We work closely with regional inclusion offices and receive support with, for example, integrating disabled people into our companies. What we can offer ranges from contacts for severely disabled people to technical aids that will help make physically demanding work easier.
We are committed to creating a good work-life balance. The specific things that we can offer vary depending on local labour laws and agreements.
In addition, we offer courses and advice on healthy lifestyles such as nutrition, exercise or reducing stress. Health and safety management also includes workplace design and assessments. In addition, we offer anonymous support for all circumstances and mentally challenging situations.
Our Löwinnen (lionesses) network supports women, giving them an opportunity to share knowledge, and encourages our female employees to play an active role in shaping the future of MAN. For members and supporters of the LGBTIQ+ community, we have the proud@MAN network in order to create a safe and open working environment at MAN, in which different gender identities and sexual orientations are recognised, respected and valued.